
Dael 27

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It was done. Dael had explained to his parents everything he had needed to. They had not thrown him out yet. He was hopeful that things would go right eventually.

As for Dael's parents. After the fire they had escaped Cas Canthar immediately. They couldn't let anyone know they had survived. They had barely got out anyway. They had gone a bit different path what Dael had used and went trough Trineyel and from there to Ghandria where they had stayed for a while. Jael had been born there. They had moved to Cas Denthar as soon as Jael showed signs of druid powers. Around this time they also left the peace organization. They had wanted a peaceful normal life. Had they stayed with the peace group, it would have always been a possible source of danger, if they ever got into trouble. Other than that they had lived a normal civilian life.

Dael was happy that Jael had lived a good life.

"Now that you are back with us, I'm sure you'll get good life too from now on", Aern said.

"I have learned to not hope for good things", Dael replied. "This might last for a moment, but things always go bad for me."

"Dael, you lived in a lie", Lanna said. "It couldn't work right. Now it is past. You can trust things to work better now."

Dael didn't reply anything, but merely hoped his parents were right. He had his doubts. For some reason he felt not all was done yet. Not even nearly.

For a few days Dael lived in the house with his parents. He couldn't remember when he had last time felt so comfortable. Living with Markes had it's good sides, but compared to what he felt with his parents right then was beyond his earlier experiences. Food was better, it was warmer and there was more room. Not to mention the forest outside was full of fat animals. Just like a rabbit that Dael carried inside.

"Are you going to share that, Dael?" Aern asked.

"You are going to cook it", Dael said with a slight growl.

"Heh, don't worry", Aern continued. "We have our own storages. Just eat some place where all the blood doesn't make a mess. Like backyard."

"Fine, I'll ...", Dael was saying. His ears perked as he heard something. Footsteps outside. One person. It wasn't time for Mairin to come yet. "Someone is coming."

"Ah, I think it is Jael", Lanna said and went to look at the window. "Yes, it seems. It is about time you two meet. I'm sure he likes you."

"You sure?" Dael asked. "What is his opinion about wizards and consider the things I did."

"You are hardly a wizard", Aern said. "At least according to what you said about your druid powers."

Lanna walked out of the door to welcome Jael home again. She said that there was a visitor who he should meet. Dael wasn't panicking like he had with his parents, but he was nervous again. He even realized he still had bloody face from killing the rabbit and he still had the small bloody animal in front of him. He picked it up in his mouth and took it to the backyard. Apparently Jael entered the house at the time. Lanna was asking Aern already where Dael had went – without mentioning the name, though. Aern replied that Dael had probably gone hide his catch somewhere, which was correct.

"Who is it?" Dael heard. It had to be Jael's voice.

"Eh, someone interesting", Aern said. "He seems a bit shy, though, but I'm sure he'll come see you too."

Dael sighed. He wanted to meet his brother. One last awkward meeting. Dael went to the doorway leading to the backyard. He carefully looked inside. Jael had his back against him. As far as Dael could say, Jael was about the same height he had been at the same age. Jael was otherwise smaller, though. This was no surprise since Dael had trained his body so much already by the time. After the fire Dael had barely had any hair grow on his head, but Jael had thick brown hair. A bit long, but not too much. No beard.

"Ah, there he is", Aern said and pointed at the doorway where Dael was peeking in.

Jael turned around. Dael noticed he had similar necklace as he had, though Jael's had a blue rock instead of red one.

"That's a cursed druid", Jael said with round eyes and took a few steps closer to Dael. He sent a few calming thoughts at Dael, but it was unneccessary. Dael wasn't that nervous. He was mostly curious about his brother. "Not going to do anything bad."

"Mom, dad, why is there a cursed druid here", Jael continued after a moment. "What is going on? Why would there be one here of all places?"

"Jael, you can speak to him just fine", Lanna said. "He is indeed a cursed druid, but his mind is pretty close to human. At least for now."

"Oh", Jael said and concentrated back at Dael again. "So who are you? My name is Jael."

"I'm Dael", Dael replied and then he proceeded to examine Jael's scent troughoutly. Lot's of different smells from Deishaad. Ink, books and plants. Jael had been studying after all.

"Dael?" Jael said and let Dael keep sniffing. "But... that name. Wasn't that the name you had given to my..."

"Yes, Jael", Lanna said. "This is your older brother, Dael. He just suddenly appeared around here some days ago. It was... well... quite a shock when we found out he had actually survived."

"Barely", Aern continued. "The story he told us about his life. Things that had happened. Somehow against all odds he survived all those years in Cas Canthar."

"You call this surviving?" Jael said and looked at Dael and gently rubbed the fur on his head.

"Barely", Aern reminded Jael. "Things obviously didn't go well."

"Why are you still keeping him here?" Jael questioned. "We should take him to Deishaad. Find a way to reverse this. This is serious!"

Lanna and Aern looked at each other but didn't say anything.

"It is not so simple, Jael", Dael said. "There are reasons why it is not a good idea."

"Why not?" Jael asked. "Wizards have messed you up. Don't you want to return to normal?"

"Not sure what mom and dad have told you", Dael started. "Some of their old acquintances are more trustworthy. My friend and them can examine and study this, but I don't want to be restored. Mom and dad can tell you why. They don't agree with it, but they understand why."

"I don't understand", Jael said and shook his head.

"You are taking this better than I expected", Dael noted. "I half expected you to freak out when you saw me and even more after you learned who I was."

"I... uh... I don't really know what to say", Jael said. "This is rather sudden. I think it hasn't sunk in yet."

"Anyway, I'm very happy to meet you", Dael said. "I never thought I would have a brother. Perhaps you are what I would have been had things gone right for me. If I had a normal life."

"I would like to hear about it", Jael said.

"No, you don't want to, but I'm sure you will learn", Dael pointed out. "You need to know. Who is going tell him? Mom? Dad? He needs to know the things we talked about."

Aern sighed.

"Sit down Jael", Aern said. "I have told you of Dael before and where we lived and all that."

"Yes", Jael said and nodded. "I was a bit shocked, but I got over it."

"There were things we thought not true", Aern continued. "But now that Dael came and told us some things. He doesn't want you to suffer similar fate as he did."

"Stop beating around the bush", Lanna said to Aern. "Jael, what your father is trying to say, Dael had both powers, wizard and druid. That didn't end well for him. Yet, even Dael did not learn about his other side until much later and only under presure. He warned us that you might have inherited both powers too."

"What?" Jael said. He looked a bit shocked. "I thought that was not possible."

"We thought it was not possible", Aern said. "Dael here is a proof that it was possible. He had wizard powers. That was confirmed. Also since he is a cursed druid, he must have had druid powers too and according to him he was even extremely strong druid too."

"We need to find a way to see, if Jael is like me", Dael said. "If he has wizard powers, you must train him to use it so that he knows how to hide it and not use it accidentaly."

"But I have never shown any signs to that!", Jael insisted.

"I didn't notice it either", Dael said. "Since I was so strong, it was sort of on all the time, but because of that I thought all my senses and feelings were completely normal. I never consciously used it until I was forced to under presure."

"Well, we can't really go about testing it like that Mairin did with you", Lanna pointed out. "There isn't much we can do until we figure out a way to see, if Jael does have wizard powers too."

Dael had to agree. As much as he wanted to keep his brother safe, there was very little he could do at the time.

"Just... try to be careful", Dael said. "Jael doesn't smell like wizard, but I don't know what halfbreed would smell. I don't smell like human so I can't really compare to myself."

"Wizards and druids smell different?" Jael asked curiously.

"Everyone does, but yes there is a difference", Dael said. "I don't have words that could describe it. I think it would be like telling blind man about colors."

"I understand", Jael said. "Even transformed druid doesn't get even close to what wild animal can do. Mind is too different."

"I'm sure we can talk about all these things", Aern said. "But you just came home so let's get you something to eat."

Jael was curious about Dael. Obvious yes, but it was more than just curiosity over a brother that just appeared and that had been thought to be dead. Apparently Jael had been interested in Dael ever since their parents told Jael about him. Brother he had never met. Even more so after he had been old enough to learn truth about Lanna's and Aern's relationship, a druid and a wizard together.

Jael was much like his parents. He might have been raised entirely as a druid and with actual education that Dael had barely ever had, but that didn't mean Jael was like most and would have hated wizards. No, he knew both druids and wizards were all just people and there were good and bad people among them. Of course he didn't ignore the ever going war between the two sides, but he was going to give everyone a chance, if it came to it.

Dael wondered, if Jael had been more shocked and disturbed by the sudden appearance than he let on. Even, if they were brothers, Dael thought he was still a stranger. Yet, Jael was going about helping Dael with things and making sure Dael was feeling comfortable. Perhaps Jael was just very kind? Perhaps he thought Dael was suffering because of the curse? Maybe he just wanted to get know his brother better and he tried to get closer by showing kindness? Or perhaps Jael just thought Dael was basically handicapped and he was thinking Dael had trouble taking care of himself. Dael didn't know for sure. Whatever the reason was, Dael didn't care to ask. It didn't matter enough.

Dael noted that Jael was weaker than he had been as far as druid powers went. Dael knew he had been exceptionally strong, though, so it was not a surprise. Druids didn't measure the power like wizards did, but Dael assumed Jael was around level eight had he been a wizard.

There was one more thing Dael constantly kept noticing for some reason. Somehow their parents had managed to find for Jael similar necklace as Dael had, but instead with a blue stone. He had hard time getting his eyes off it. Light reflected on its surface in such a similar way as on his own.

Anyway, despite everything, despite that his parents and brother had accepted him, Dael felt like an intruder in their lives. They had lived so long without him. Then he still had appeared to their door together with his problems. He didn't speak about it, but instead he decided to enjoy it while it lasted. That was until Mairin came with her friends from the peace organization.

Dael had kept his promise to stay with his family or at least nearby. Dael had been at the backyard watching Lanna tend to the garden. He heard footsteps.

"Someone is coming", Dael said. He was always the first one to notice if anyone was coming. Not a lot of people came, but some people did visit. Those times he always hid somewhere.

"Who is it?" Lanna asked. "Jael and Aern are inside. Perhaps you should hide."

Dael carefully looked around the corner. "It's Mairin", Dael said.

"Ah, perhaps it is time I meet the woman", Lanna said and stood up. "She handles similar things I used to."

"There are others too", Dael said. "Her brother and a smuggler that  brought me to Cas Denthar. Then some others too."

With Mairin came Eskan and surprisingly Jadta too. Dael wondered why the smuggler wanted to be still involved. Was he part of the organization too? Additionally with Mairin came two others, a woman and a man. By their clothing, both looked like druids. There was something familiar about the man and looked like a warrior, but the woman looked like civilian, slightly bookish, probably a researcher.

Dael went inside after Lanna who already had Aern follow her outside with Jael behind them. Dael stayed inside and looked trough the window.

"I thought we told you people that we wanted to live in peace", Lanna started. "It is safer, if we are no longer involved with you. I don't know the rest of you, but you Rangrin should know."

"I'm sorry Lanna", said the woman, Rangrin. "We were intending to allow you that, but it seems unforseen events force us to involve you. If you want it, we will try to keep the contact as short as possible."

"He did come here, right?" Mairin asked. "Your elder son came here, yes?"

"Indeed he did", Lanna continued. It didn't seem like Lanna liked Mairin much. "You are Mairin, correct? I would like to have a lengthy discussion with you about what happened to my son after he met you. I understand you had heavy involvement of how things went for him afterwards."

Lanna and Mairin, they were going to be problem, Dael thought.

Mairin sighed. "Indeed", she said. "I'm responsible of lot of things, but surely you understand the situation I was in back then."

"That is why I'm not trying to murder you right now", Lanna replied.

Eskan took a few steps closer, but Mairin stopped him.

"We must discuss this elsewhere", Aern interrupted the situation. "I'd rather not have this group of people seen here."

"Your husband is right, Lanna", Rangrin said. "We should not be seen and Karne isn't even supposed to be anywhere near right now, but he insisted on coming."

Karne. Memories finally connected in Dael's mind. Karne and Karno. Dael remembered how he had beaten down Karno, a druid spy at Cas Canthar. His first catch. He remembered it well. He had laughed at the druid. Mocked him. Beaten him. Just for fun while Karne had desperately tried to get his brother stand up and run. Karno had transformed into a bear during the fight in desperate attempt to defeat Dael. It was because of Dael that Karno had become cursed. Perhaps it was fitting that he now suffered from the same thing. Why was Karne there. Would he realize who Dael was?

Dael ran out of the backdoor before anyone came trough the front. He didn't run any further. He could listen what happened inside.

"Where are you Dael?" Lanna shouted. "I thought you came inside."

"I think he went out from the back just as we came in", Jael said. "Maybe he is just afraid of new people."

"Heh, Dael afraid of people?" Mairin said. "Sure, if he wanted to hide, but other than that, I don't think so."

Footsteps. Mairin stepped from the backdoor.

"Ah, here you are, Dael", Mairin said as soon as he noticed Dael who was sitting right next to the door against the wall. "What are you doing?"

"Karne", Dael replied. "I did things to his brother. I beat him. Laughed at him. Mocked him. Laughed again at Karne as I stood upon his beaten brother intending to hand him over to the hunters. He had transformed into a bear during the fight. It is my doing he became a slave. Cursed. He was my first catch."

"Ah", Mairin said. "So it was you. That is why Karno is with the peace group. He believes it is the only possible way to get his brother out of Cas Canthar. A slim hope. He wanted to come here since you are first cursed druid we get to study. He wants to know details so he can help his brother."

"He will hurt me, if he finds out I'm the one who hurt his brother", Dael said.

"He won't", Mairin assured Dael. "He needs you to be studied so that he can cure his brother. He may not like you, but he needs you. Many of the peace organization are also old soldiers, spies and such. We all have done things. We try to understand it was the war and that we all are now working towards common goal so that those same mistakes wouldn't happen anymore."

Dael shook for a moment and whined and he had his tail between his legs. Jael came then.

"What is it, Dael?" Jael asked. "The others are waiting. Mom and dad know why these people are here, but I don't think they are getting along too well."

"Dael knows Karne", Mairin said to Jael and then turned back to Dael. "Come inside. If he realizes who you are, we can explain your reasons. Such things are not uncommon among our members. You regret your past and feel quilty. He'll know you know you did wrong because you had been deceived. He has done things too. Can you guess how many assassinations he carried out? How much information he leaked and how many deaths that caused? Each of us have things in our past."

Dael was silent for a moment. "I'll come", he said finally.

Mairin brushed Dael head. "Rangrin will be happy to see you", she said. "She has been waiting for a chance to study cursed druids for years. So many attempts to free one and bring to Cas Denthar. You are safe. Not even Karne is going to hurt you."

Mairin went inside first and Dael followed behind her carefully. He looked in trough the doorway first and then stepped in.

"Aahh!" Rangrin screamed immedieately. She sounded like a little girl as she ran at Dael, who was completely surprised. "Mairin was right! Let's see. Male. Wolf. Hmmm...age... around 30. Yes. A bit underweight. Should eat more. Despite the curse, body looks healthy. Fur in good shape. Reflexes working."

Dael had jumped a bit back as the woman had ran at him. He was cowering a bit as Rangrin carefully examined everything.

"What are you doing?" Dael asked her nervously.

"Ah, yes, Mairin metioned higher intelligence that was believed originally", Rangrin muttered to herself. "I have to take notes of mental differences in comparison to humans. Information suggests that the subject is slightly animal like, but could alter the mindset to animal like as majority of mental functions at will. The subject had trouble performing such act, though."

"Rangrin", Karne said. "You should take this more seriously."

"What?" Rangrin said and then looked at Dael who was growling slightly. "Ah... sorry. I sometimes get so caught up in my research and now a real live subject in front of me. Sorry... uh, what was it. Dael? Nice to meet you."

Karne took steps forward and kneeled down before Dael and looked at him carefully.

"Something about you seems familiar", Karne said. "Anyway, I don't expect you to know, but since you can talk, I have a question. Back in Cas Canthar. Did you perhaps ever meet a cursed druid who was a bear?"

"I...", Dael said as he tried to remember back to those times. "I think there was one. He didn't like me. Always growled at me since his pen was in front of mine."

"You have to tell me where and when this was!" Karne said. "It may not be my brother, but I will take any leads I can get. Tell me!"

Crazy people, Dael thought. Karne had first told Rangrin to calm down and now he was going about it the same way. Karne had a very good reason, though.

"I don't know", Dael answered. "It's hard to remember. I probably wouldn't remember it at all, if that bear hadn't always threatened me. I was afraid of him."

"I told this to Rangrin already, but not Karne", Mairin interrupted. "I didn't expect him to come. It would seem Dael has hard time following passing of time. He can't put his experiences in order easily, if he even remembers at all."

Dael still wanted to help Karne as much as he could. He felt responsible. He at least was responsible for Karno's capture.

"I worked at some fields near Tharana", Dael said trying to remember everything. "The man who owned me. His name was Thige, a rich merchant. It was at his farms or mine where I met the bear. I think it was the fields. During winter they had us working in the mine, but I can't remember who were there. It is a long time. I don't know what might have happened at Cas Canthar since then."

"I see", Karne said and stood up. He then walked outside muttering something to himself.

Dael felt relief that Karne had not connected recognized him. There was very little from what he could even done that. He had apparently never learned Dael's name. Karne didn't either seem to be aware of details. It seemed he had insisted on coming along when he had somehow heard that Rangrin was going to study a cursed druid. Karne was still desperately looking for all possible leads to get his brother oud ot Cas Canthar and restore him. It was a long time, though. Majority of slaves didn't survive long. There were some owners like Thige, though, who rather kept their slaves in working condition. Not to mention cursed druids didn't do the most dangerous things like mining. Dael thought it was entirely possible for Karno to be still alive.

Dael's parents didn't get along with Mairin. It was understandable, though. Lanna's opinion was that Mairin should have at very least not forced Dael to reveal himself slowly, but instead get some information and then get him out of Cas Canthar. Perhaps only reason why they didn't kick Mairin out was that it wasn't her fault that Dael had chosen to attack Carmatas. Dael actually agreed with it. His condition was his own fault.

Anyway, Dael didn't have much time to think about past. Rangrin was all over him. The woman was exited to have such a chance. She was the first druid researcher to get such a chance. Whenever Rangrin relented for a moment to ponder something Dael always quickly went to Jael. This was because his brother seemed to be the only person around who wasn't acting crazy or who he didn't fear.

"Don't worry Dael", Jael said and sent calming emotions. "A lot is happening now, but it will calm down soon."

"No it won't", Dael said regardless of Jael's calming efforts. "It never does. They'll want to research me. They can't hide me forever."

"I can help you with lot of things", Jael said. "I'll go along with you and help you."

"You got your life", Dael replied. "Don't get swept away with mine. It is not good.  You have your studies. You can get a good life. Don't waste it on a broken thing like me."

"I can hardly study anything anymore", Jael pointed out. "I'm strong enough that I'm supposed to go out and find my own specialty or something like that. Perhaps I can get a good look into your case with Rangrin."

"Do you think that...", Dael started.

"Hey! Dael!" Rangrin said loudly suddenly and took something from her bags. Some kind of small crystal. "Would you hold this for a while! I need to measure your essence several times with this. Try to alter you mind in between each measure, ok! I want to see, if I can find some way to trigger it externally. If we ever get more cursed druids out of Cas Canthar, it may be neccessary to speak with them."

"Uh... you can talk to them anyway", Dael said, but still took the crystal. "They'll understand you all right and may even reply, if they care enough."

"Hmmmm... perhaps", Rangrin shrugged. "But I'm sure it is good to have more reliable way! Please hold it firmly now!"

Rangrin was enthusiastic. As soon as she thought up something to test, she immediately demanded to test it.

Eventually evening came and even Rangrin finally decided to sit down and just examine her findings for the first day. Dael finally had time to rest and not be under constant observation from the woman. He knew he had agreed to it so more was to be expected in the future. Despite knowing that Dael slept well... at least for a short while.

"Wake up", someone said. It was still night.


Dael opened his eyes immediately. As soon as he had become conscious, he had smelled Karne right in front of him. Dael took a few steps backwards and growled. It was rather futile effort since at the same time he was a bit afraid of Karne and it showed – Dael was cowering with his tail between his legs. The show didn't impress Karne who was crouched down and just looked at Dael intently.

"As it happens", Karne started. "Just a moments ago I woke up from my usual nightmares."

"What?" Dael replied while still trying to look somehow threatening. "What does that have to do with me?!"

"That is what I'm going to find out", Karne said. He still hadn't done anything. "My nightmares are usually about a certain moment. It plays in different ways, but certain things stay the same. My brother and that soldier at Cas Canthar."


"Hmmm, what is it, Dael?" Karne said. He must have noticed Dael's reaction. "So yeah. There was something familiar about you. I just remembered it after the nightmare. That soldier had a red necklace... just like you have."

"What are you on about", Dael said. "Lot's of people have red necklaces."

"His was somehow... unique", Karne said. "Call it intuition. Yours is similar. No... actually I think it is the same."

"You are crazy", Dael told Karne. "More than I am. You should try drinking a lot. It seems to work for me. Makes nightmares go away."

Karne actually chuckled.

"Yeah, perhaps my nightmares are made out of distorted old memories", Karne continued. "Perhaps you killed that soldier before you were caught and took his pretty thing. I'd have wanted to kill him myself, but I'd be fine just knowing he is dead."

"I might have", Dael said. Perhaps Karne would believe such a story.

"I think I'd believe it, if you wouldn't act so strangely", Karne said suddenly. "You are afraid of me. You have seen me before. I haven't seen you. I don't know any Dael's. Never heard of any Dael's. Yet, you are afraid of me. Now why would that be?"

Dael growled at Karne.

"Hmph, is that all you are going to say. Just growl at me?" Karne said calmly. Still he had done nothing. "Fine. You know what comes to my mind. It is a bit crazy thought."

Dael silenced and took a few more steps back and lowered his head almost all the way down to the floor level.

"You think I might have guessed right?" Karne said. "There are some inconsistencies, yes, but I think those can be explained."

Karne's eyes narrowed as he prepared to see observe Dael's reaction.

"I think you are that soldier", Karne said quietly. "You are the same fucker that might have as well killed my brother."

"Ah... ah... Isn't that a bit crazy", Dael said as he looked around for the best escape route. "That soldier must have been a wizard, right?"

Karne stood up.

"One of the inconsistencies, but I think I know how things actually are and it makes sense", Karne said and stared at Dael. His experession was somehow as if he was holding back some kind of repressed anger. "If I'm incorrect, then please correct me. If you don't do so I'll assume I'm right."

Dael growled loudly at Karne this time.

"Nothing to say for yourself?" Karne said. "No? Then I'm correct."

Suddenly Dael felt terrible presure on himself. It wasn't any attack coming from Karne. It was just his emotions. He sent all his hate, rage and sadness at Dael. He might have pissed under himself, if he had been just an ordinary person, but Dael was very familiar with such emotions. As he wondered why this man would be in a peace organization, he took more steps away from Karne and whined in fear.

"I don't know how this has happened to you", Karne said. "It is fitting you have suffered the same fate as my brother suffered because of you. Yet, it is you who run around free while my brother is worked to the bone by wizards... if he is even still alive."

"I... I'm sorry", Dael said quietly while cowering in a corner.

"SORRY?!" Karne screamed. "YOU DARE SAY YOU ARE SORRY?!"

About then everyone else staying in the house finally started to wake up. It didn't matter to Karne. He started to move towards Dael who wasn't intending to stay and fight.

"I must run", Dael thought. "Somewhere. I can't stay near Karne. Mairin can find me."

Dael bolted and ran past Karne who wasn't fast enough to land a hit on Dael. Once outside Dael thought he was safe until suddenly something grabbed his leg. A vine. It was creeping further up his leg and there was no way he was going to shake himself free. Karne came out running.

"You are not going anywhere", Karne said.

Another vine popped up from the ground and it went around Dael's neck.

"Don't hurt me", Dael pleaded. "I'm sorry what I did. I was wrong then. I..."

The vine around Dael's neck tightened and silenced him. Karne proceeded to kick Dael who was on the ground.

"I recall you kicking my brother for fun", Karne said and kept kicking. "You just laughed."

Only thing in Dael's mind was to run. Somewhere. He didn't want to fight. He wanted to run. Where? It didn't matter. If he got free he'd run straight forward and not stop.

Suddenly Mairin ran from inside the house and punched Karne in the face. The vines were still around Dael, but they loosened. Dael managed to get free and despite his injuries he ran. Mairin shouted something behind him and possibly Rangrin too as Dael heard. He didn't look back. He just ran.
Ever heard of writers tell how their storyline lives their own life? I used to think that was just pretty words before I started writing myself. This chapter is again entirely good example of it and only I can see it since I write this.

This part didn't go at all how I had designed it. It just went like that. The hours I had once thought up how this part would go. The convoluted little explanation how thing that cause next chapter to happen exactly happened. Seriously it was trouble. One of the weakest points in the entire storyline. It had emerged long ago when I thought "how the hell I explain this". Now that I got to this part.... this is just how it went and it makes sense at least to me and it isn't even close what I had planned. Heh.. I got even accurate notes how this should go, but they are now useless.

One reason why I write as a hobby. I get to choose what kind of story I read and seriouly since things tend to go their own way, I really often don't even know the storyline except for major points. So I got myself a story that is just what I want and its often new to me.
© 2016 - 2024 Demaedor
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