
Chaz2 Ch.8

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“So”, Filno started as soon as we walked down the path from Nosran's house. “Which way do you think we should go? I don't intend to let Derek and Krasnjar to tell me what to do. We need to know more about this.”

“Yeah, this might end up being valuable information we can sell too”, I replied. “People want to know when cultists are doing stuff. Honestly I didn't think any of their remainders could have become problem anymore. We should have just rounded up all humans in northlands when the war ended and killed everyone.”

“I'm thinking maybe they were not all gathered at Coand”, Filno pointed out. “Maybe they were planning this stuff long  time ago already. I'm fairly sure they didn't just come up with these new plans just recently. We both know what that would mean.”

“Yeah, Krasor planned it all then most likely”, I replied. “He didn't know about me or my powers when he started messing with the cultists. Maybe all this was part of his plan until he found better way to lure Klazaar out to play and kill some people along the way to pass time. I wonder, if he is still behind all this. We should be careful what we do. He might have shrugged off that I didn't choose either of them when he fought Klazaar, but if we go and ruin his real plans, he might get pissed for real. There is also a chance that the cultists are merely continuing with whatever plans there were even, if Krasor is no longer involved.”

“Who knows.” Filno shrugged. “What does not make any sense is why cultists left those Red Hand marks here to attract our attention. I can't come up with any idea why cultists would do it unless they wanted to kill Red Hand members... maybe even us. That guy was loaded with explosives and he called you... what? Some sort of blasphemy?”

“Heh, yeah, it was probably about that thing when some of those cultists started asking blessings from me. Maybe some of them don't like it,” I replied. “Anyway, if Krasor was still giving orders, he might be possibly playing some sort of game with us. Perhaps test us in some ways. In that case, it would be safe for us to do whatever we want... even mess up his plans. He would just want to see, if we can do it. Regardless, if we start following this, I suppose we will find in time what that all was about. I think we should return to Shan'lah first and look from there.”

“We could send orders to Ponde to have some of our more intelligent people to search information from there”, Filno added. “If we find nothing in Shan'lah we can then try asking Zach too. He should know about cultist stuff.”

“Sounds like a plan”, I said. “Last choice would be Crystalfire Mountains then.”

We made our way out Syvku. I was happy to get out of that damp cave anyway. I hoped I'd get Red Hand inside properly some day so I wouldn't have to go there again. Guards at the entrance didn't seem to accept any sort of bribes when I offered it to them. Bah, I suppose everyone has their price – I'd just have to find it.

One positive thing was that Fosthar had not apparently followed us. I really needed a rest from the constant stream of crazy talk. There was no telling when he would appear again. If we were dealing with the current matter and there was some interest in it for him, I was somewhat sure he would pop up again.

Once we got out of the mountain, it was night and raining. We shifted to our dragon forms and took off. Flying in rain is much better than trying to waddle trough mud like humans and elves do – dwarves just sink in it, probably.

At least Shan'lah was close. It was early morning when we reached the city. We flew all the way to the gates and I think the guards soiled their pants when two black dragons landed right next to them. We had decided not to fly straight inside the city. We were good citizens after all and good citizens walk trough the gate and let guards inspect you, if they so want. We were not doing anything illegal or being dangerous.

I think we should have shifted to elf forms somewhere out of sight since it took tediously long to explain guards the fact that were were legally Shan'lah citizens and we were just going about our business. I almost chose to go trough all the guards, but Filno asked me not to – he didn't want to lose his renewed citizenship in such a short time. It wasn't until some officers came and knew about our legal rights until we were let go. They complained to us about just appearing like that and I told them I had right to go about as I pleased. It was not illegal. They also questioned why would I even have any legal rights at all and why, those who apparently had granted us it, were now all dead. I told them I had nothing to do with that, which was indeed true. As we walked away into the city, Filno pointed out that we would have to do all that again a few times until guards got used to it. I agreed.

We made our way to our main office at Shan'lah. There we gave orders to find information about whatever remaining cultist groups were still around. We also told people to keep an eye for bits of information about all that demon summoning business. I didn't want to be around, if cultists, for example, summoned one of those things at Shan'lah. I wanted Red Hand to keep eye on unusual magic rituals and that sort of stuff. Red Hand didn't really have many caster types around, but many elves knew some so I told some of them to go read about related things and try to find anything interesting.

“That is as much as we can have Red Hand do.” I said as we returned to Shan'lah streets.

We were going to go see Shan'lah library. Bad thing about forbidden knowledge is that it is so hard to find. Often it is very useful to know, though. Like a treasure of knowledge. Something that someone tried to hide so no one would know of it, but too important to simply destroy. Elves had to have collected things over time, but for example demon summoning was something that would be hidden because it would be considered evil or something lika that. There is this classification system of magics and I'm fairly sure demon summoning was right there in the darkest levels. Elves usually were involved with magics from neutral to complete opposite of darkness.

“I wonder, if we can bribe the librarians,” Filno said to me. “Otherwise we may have problems.”

“I doubt those bookworms are going to be interested in money”, I answered. “You haven't picked up any rare books lately? Ones that you don't need anymore? I don't always pay attention on books you pick up.”

“None”, Filno replied. “We will have to come up with something else.”

Maybe we should have prepared some bribes or proper threats until we went in the library.

Anyway, the library itself was very large. If one doesn't count things like the vault at Crystalfire Mountains, the elves probably had the biggest collection of knowledge stored in Shan'lah and large part of it was right there at that library. I don't know why people don't just create one single repository with magic and then just add some sort of search method for it – maybe even allow everyone ability to alter, add and correct errors. It would be much better than the huge lines and corridors filled with books like, for example, right there at Shan'lah library. I need to suggest this to Quantras.

Good thing what we wanted was not on those endless shelves where even greater amount of books were slowly over years getting covered in mold.

“We require some assistance”, Filno started when we found one of the librarians. That thin elf turned around and looked at us questioningly. “We believe there are books in here that cover certain subject, but I doubt they are easily here for everyone to see.”

“Then they would be in underground collection”, said the librarian. “It is closed off to the public and access is limited to those with permission. You would need to see high librarian for that. Only he and his closest assistants are let there and even they go with guards.”

“Then we should not waste any time”, I said. “Take us to this high librarian.”

“Please follow me.” The thin librarian emoted us to follow him.

We followed him trough the corridors deeper into the library. There he opened a door and emoted us to go in as he followed after us. There were several large chambers full of elves. It seemed to me they were writing books in them. I assume they were in fact copying the books. They did seem to use magic on some parts, but I think all that tedious work was pointless. Why didn't they use crystals like we dragons do. Crystal don't degrade and properly cast magic doesn't diminish either in any relevant time frames.

Anyway, we were led to what looked like a section where offices and such were located. Around there were several guards and some more people writing things. We went to one of the larger doors where the librarian knocked the door and waited for an answer to come in.

“High librarian Hatek”, the thin librarian said and bowed down quickly. “These two men asked me to lead them to you for requesting access to underground collection.”

Hatek raised his eyebrows a bit after that last part, but said nothing to us. He told the librarian to return to his work.

“So...what would you two be looking for in the underground collection?” Hatek asked curiously. “Knowledge there could be dangerous in wrong hands. That place is locked for a reason. Also, I do not know you. There are elder mages and such who often come ask for permission and with a proper reason I might even allow such thing, but you two I do not know. You do not even look like mages. You don't actually look like anyone who could... or should learn from the knowledge in there.”

“Well, you see, we are looking for information about demon summoning”, I told Hatek. There was no going around it. Even, if I somehow got inside there by force, I probably wouldn't find anything without Hatek's help.

Hatek grimaced.

“Now why would I allow you... or anyone without specific orders from council to see anything related to such unspeakable rituals?” Hatek asked. “Who are you? There is something familiar about you, but I'm not sure what it is. I'm not saying anything more without names. I'm required to report even simple requests for those books.”

Thing were not going well.

“*Heh, we didn't think this was going to be anything easy*”, I said to Filno. “*We better come up with proper bribes or something.*”

“*Who we are is going to come up anyway*”, Filno said. “*Let's just see what happens. These asses may act just the way we want, if they start to get suspicious about demon summoning, just like we believe the idiots at Crystalfire are going to. They could slip something for us to see while they do their own research. We can also try sending some Red Hand members to the underground sections. I think they are well guarded both physically and magically, though.*”

“*Yeah, I think we need to look into that a bit more before we send anyone.*” I said and returned my concentration back to the high librarian. “Ok, Hatek, nobody really ever likes it when they have to deal with us, but I think there is a proper reason for allowing us to see that information about demons. That is Filno and I'm Chaz. Surel...”

I was interrupted.

“The black dragons!”, Hatek shouted. “Get out of here! I'll have nothing to do with you. That is why you were so familiar. I had seen your descriptions when that ridiculous news spread that you two had been given official Shan'lah citizenship! I don't know how you managed it, but I don't think you have any rights. Whole concept doesn't make sense.”

“Heh, you don't really get to decide that”, I told him. “It is official and I can go get the specific papers for you to see, if you want. Laws say I'm officially Shan'lah citizen.”

“LAWS?!” Hatek shouted. “Laws? They are not a one way road. You can't pick the ones you follow for your own gain and disregard others. You have no place here. I told you to go or will I have to alert the guards? I can defend myself long enough for enough soldiers to arrive here to kick you out of Shan'lah, if it comes to that.”

“Laws are for the weak so they can keep living with other weak people”, I told Hatek. “Strong beings, such as myself, do not need to follow them. You are correct about that, but it doesn't mean that I haven't been good and followed them close enough to be nice and lawfull citizen. Honestly, I picked up that citizenship as a bonus when it was offered to me, but Filno was born and raised here. He has the right more than I do. You can consider mine void, but Filno was kicked out for no reason. He had broken no laws when he was outlawed. He just got back what is rightfully his. I'll keep my end of it so he can keep his as long as he wants.”

“Filno is a anomaly”, Hatek said quickly, but silenced for a moment after that. It seemed he was thinking. “I'm well aware what books say about your kind. Well, fine then. For Filno's “rights”, whether he should have them or not, I will listen your reason. It better be something exceptionally good since I can't think of much worse idea than showing black dragon books about demon summoning. It sounds like a disaster.”

“You know how we don't really like cultists?” Filno started. “That we fought with you good guys agains them during the war?”

“That is common knowledge,” Hatek said. “It is lucky that they had … what was it... insulted you both? Would you have been on our side had cultists left you alone entirely? Would you have been with rest of your kind instead?”

“Cultists seemed always crazy to me”, I pointed out. “Even with the other black dragons fighting with them, I would have wanted to watch from sidelines for the slaughter, but not much else.”

“Anyway, the point is that we still don't like them”, Filno continued. “It has come to our attention that cultists – or whatever remains of them – may be playing with things like demon summoning. We just returned from Syvku where the midgets had some troubles and leads ended up pointing that some cultists were collecting items and knowledge they needed for a summoning ritual.”

“Considering what they did during the war with the disease, I'd like to be prepared, if cultists try to summon a demon, for example, right here in middle of Shan'lah”, I told Hatek. “I'd like to know how to stop it properly once started or, if it is too late, how to protect myself while we run away to watch the destruction. The disease I could handle, but I don't expect same to happen, if we bump into a demon.”

“I will need to report this to authorities”, Hatek said with clear concern in his face. “If cultists are showing up again and this time with demons, we need to be prepared. You do make some good points, but I still won't let you to the underground collection. For now your motives could be positive, but I won't take the responsibility, if you start messing with the rituals for example hundred or thousand years from now. I'm sure you will in such time learn whatever you want about this all by yourself, but I won't have part in it.”

“Would you accept bribes?” I asked him innocently. “I lead an influential organization and I could make a generous donation to this fine library here so you can switch to use crystals instead of slowly rotting books.”

“You don't even try to hide it do you?” Hatek said, but this time he seemed amused. “No, I don't want your “donations”. Your suggestion about starting to use crystals has been noted, but they are difficult to use for those who do not practice magic enough. Dragons are naturally adept at magic and I have been well aware of your information storage methods. We want to keep our information accessible to everyone regardless how much magic they can use.”

“Then I think you may want to pick guards you don't like for that underground library”, Filno said. “Wouldn't it be sad, if some of them got hurt when some shady people try to get in.”

“I don't like your threats”, Hatek replied angrily. “I thought you wanted to keep your citizenship intact?”

“What? You misunderstand!” Filno said and grinned a bit. “Of course we are going to follow the law! Perhaps someone who looks like a cultist tries to get in? Yes, our organization can probably stop it, but we would need proper payment for it such as letting us see the book the cultist probably is going to go look for. Just so we can better anticipate cultist motives.”

“Yes, of course, what was I thinking”, Hatek replied. “Regardless, I have made my choice. I will not allow you two down there. There is nothing for you to find there anyway even, if I did. We do not have those books. Not anymore.”

“What?” I questioned immediately. “You had them, but not anymore?”

“That would be correct”, Hatek said. “There was a bit of an uproar when during scheduled checks they were found to be gone. This happened years ago when cultists first appeared. It is probably them behind it somehow, but there are no leads. We are still looking for the books, but we haven't seen them ever since. No demons have appeared either. None of the books were found in cultist posession during the war. What you just told me is the first actual lead that it was indeed the cultists.”

“Well... fuck”, I muttered. I believed Hatek. He didn't seem to be lying.

“*We still have other options*”, Filno told me.

“*Yes*”, I replied. “*I don't think we should waste time here any longer. If we ever find those books, we can read them trough and then give them back here for a hefty price.*”

“*Of course*”, Filno said. “We can still use other sources. Shan'lah's library was just the closest one. See how nice this all went once you decided to talk to us properly! Tell other officials or whatever people you mingle with that we are lawfull citizens and it is perfectly fine to work with us.”

“I'm not sure, if that is exactly true”, Hatek replied. “It was indeed Chaz who just tried to bribe me, which is, I believe, quite illegal.”

“Don't think of it as a bribe”, I said. “It was a donation offer, remember. Isn't that the way you and other officials usually accept bribes?”

“Think whatever you want, black dragon”, Hatek said. “Not everyone is as corrupt as you think.”

With that we ended our meeting with high librarian Hatek. We didn't get access to the books, but it was kind of useful to know that cultists might have them. They have had them for quite a long time, though. Who knows that secrets they might have learned. Hatek was right at one thing, though – no demons had been seen. I'm fairly sure something like that would have been seen, if cultists performed any of the summoning rituals. Perhaps my dad had several plans, but had chosen to use the disease instead.

Whatever the case is I'm betting it was the high nobles who were behind the disapearance of the books. Just a feeling.

“Zach is the next visit then”, I said to Filno when we stepped out of the library. “Windy hill isn't far. I'm not aware, if he is there, though. He might be rebuilding Silent Blades somewhere at Northlands.”

“He has a good network”, Filno replied. “We tell his people what we know and he will be informed of it quickly. If there is anything for us to know, he will contact us.”

“Most likely, but I would like to speak with him direc...”, I was saying when we were interrupted.

“There you are!”, Someone shouted behind us. We turned around. It was Nyen.

We had not been discreet. I suppose, it had been rather easy for her to find us.

“Mother, what are you doing here?” Filno asked.

“I live at Shan'lah”, Nyen replied. “That island was a nice place, but this is my home.”

“I didn't mean that”, Filno said. “Sure, the high nobles are all dead now, but it has not been that long yet.”

“That safe house of yours was adequate, but I had no intention staying there longer than necessary. Merko wanted to stay there and get better handle on recent events and learn about Red Hand, but I chose otherwise.” Nyen gave us a disaproving look. “Red Hand seems to have fine enough people, but I think they lack discipline. It was easy enough to give them a slip. I have better things to do.”

“Like what?” Filno asked. “Had there been any assassins still around they would have...”

“Would have done what?” Nyen interrupted. “I'm not any fresh recruit. I can handle myself against a few attackers. As to what is important enough. It is, of course, to try steering you to right path in life. I don't like it that you behave like a monster.”

“I keep telling you that definition of a “monster” is rather broad”, Filno replied slightly angrily. “Besides, I'm an adult. I'm strong black dragon and I have Chaz with me. I don't need your coddling. You can return to whatever it is that you do usually. Reconnect with family. Do whatever you want.”

“I will follow you then and find a way to teach you some manners. You have a bloated image of yourself, but I can understand reasons for that. You may be a black dragon, but you are young and rather small group of warriors could kill you easily. Maybe even with justification for it, if you keep acting like a monster”, Nyen stubbornly told Filno and kept on going. “By a cruel twist of fate, you may be a black dragon, but you are an elf too and that elf is my son. I won't have you do whatever you desire and while it trample over that fact.”

“Look, Nyen, we really don't need you around messing with things in some deluded quest to try making us be something we are not”, I told her. “I have some respect for you and Merko because you are Filno's parents and quite talented professionals, but I'm still going to tell you to fuck off and mind your own business.”

“I don't care about you at all, Chaz”, Nyen told me. “You can do whatever you want, but I won't give up on Filno. You may be on some level the same being, but when I gave birth to Filno, you were not there. As far as I'm concerned you are separate.”

“Whatever, mom”, Filno said and waved his hand dismissively. “We have business to do and I don't think you have grown wings. You can't follow us.”

“You may be surprised later then”, Nyen replied immediately. “Spread your wings and fly wherever you want. I will be following.”

“*Damn it*”, Filno said to me. “*Mom following us is one more thing we don't need.*”

“*Do you think she can follow us?*” I replied.

“*It is doable.*”, Filno said. “*Remember how those Zach's men followed Korrak and Sarian? Also the crazy bitches.*”

“*Yeah, but I think they may have had experience on it and Zach's people for sure are talented*”, I said. “*While Nyen may be talented, she does not have the experience. Probably.*”

“*Yeah... probably*”, Filno said. “*I don't even know how old she is and how much experience she might have. Maybe she has tracked dragons before.*”

“*Even, if she can do it, it will only be an annoyance*”, I pointed out. “*That is unless you have some doubts about our lifestyle.*”

“*I really doubt that*”, Filno said. “*I think I have made it very clear I don't have any objections to the stuff we do. Why should I?*”

“*Then I don't think we have anything to worry about*”, I said. “*Nyen will at most be an annoyance. We can annoy her back as much as we want. She will give up eventually.*”

Nyen just watched us. I'm fairly sure she knew what kind of abilities dragonsouls had and that we were probably plotting against her. I think she completely expected it and was prepared for it.

We tried to ignore Nyen as we walked out of Shan'lah and transformed just outside of the gates right in front of the guards. We didn't bother with their alerts or anything as we flew off. I saw Nyen riding out of Shan'lah on a white horse right at our direction.

I merely sighed and hoped she would not be trouble.
Here is yet another chapter. I'm not entirely happy with it. Feel like there should happen more than just Chaz and Filno going from point A to B and then do something there and then go from point B to point C.

I feel like I need to concoct some trouble for them along the way just to have some more trouble than the minor inconveniences they have had so far. Not certain where to do that. I'm not even certain should I go do that. Oh well... I suppose I'll do whatever I want.
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The-darkness123's avatar
Dammit Chaz, when you say you hope something will not be truble, it will be truble.